Tuesday, July 29, 2014

CLA Series - Part 2: Effects of Card Level Advantage

This is Part 2 of the Card Level Advantage (CLA) Series. If you haven't already done so, please read part 1 where I explain just what CLA is. In this post I will focus on how CLA can have very different effects depending on the cards played.

Quantity vs Quality

In very general terms, the effects of CLA will usually be improved board position and/or damage to the opposing player. However, the quality of those effects will depend on the degree of CLA, the number of turns the CLA is maintained and more importantly, the cards themselves and how they are played.

There isn't much that can be done when CLA goes beyond a certain value and due to the random nature of the game this will sometimes happen. However, most of the time, CLA will go back and forth in such a way that a well built and well played deck should be able to handle.

There have been a number of informal studies done by members of the Solforge community, looking at the probabilities in a game of going past a certain value of CLA. One of those is the analysis by Bobby2 previously mentioned in part 1. The other two are by FrostedBacon and QuantumNinja. These studies focus on CLA independently of the cards in the deck and how they are played. While this simplification is necessary to achieve any concrete probability values, it is important to realize that in practice, the effects of CLA vary tremendously due to the cards themselves. Lets look at a simple example to make this clear

If Player A can play two level 3 cards while Player B can only play two level 1 cards, but Player A's cards are Deepbranch Prowlers (a 9/9 at level 3) and Player B's cards are Shardplate Mutants (9/9 at level 1) , there won't be any differential on the board. However, if the cards Player A plays are two Chrogias (40/40 with Breakthrough and Regenerate 5 at level 3) while Player B also plays Chrogias (1/1 at level 1) then with a single turn Player B will be very unlikely to be able to do anything about the board state and will lose.

In addition to leveling differences in the attack and health stats, there are many cards in Solforge that enhance other cards, which can reduce the power difference on the board regardless of the card level advantage. For example, a level 2 Weirwood Patriarch (7/10) gives all creature with 5 or less power a +3/+3 bonus when it comes into play. So playing a level 1 Weirwood Patriarch (4/7) and then playing a level 2 version, will effectively be equivalent to having played two level 2 Patriarchs because the level 1 version will have its power and toughness increased to 7/10 from the bonus.

The first example shows that the same CLA with different cards can have wildly different effects on the game. The second example shows that even while having a negative CLA, there are cards that can mimic not having a negative CLA at all. These are just two examples of how the card quality and the play decisions have a very big effect on how CLA affects the game. In the following two posts I will point even more things that players can do to modify how CLA affects the game. The fact that there are so many tools and gameplay elements that allow this is why there is no exact value of CLA that indicates when a given player has too much advantage.

Stay tuned for part 3: Building a Deck to Handle CLA.

Monday, July 28, 2014

CLA Series - Part 1: What is Card Level Advantage?

Hello, my name is Gabriel Moreno though I'm known to the community as Gabo. I'm a video game developer living in Canada and a family man. I used to play paper Magic The Gathering until my life became too busy so I moved into its online counterpart, but then my life grew even more busy and I had to stop. Then I found Solforge which has bite sized games and an awesome and innovative system and so I became addicted.

One very interesting but polarizing aspect of the game is the leveling mechanic. I have been analyzing the random aspects of the leveling mechanic and how players can interact with it and I would like to share my thoughts on the matter. 

Defining Card Level Advantage

In the game of Solforge players duel each other by drawing 5 cards and playing or discarding 2 of them each turn. Those cards  "level up", that is, they are sent to a discard pile as a more powerful version of themselves. After every 4 turns the players themselves level up and at that point the full deck is reshuffled. During the turns after this, each player will usually draw a mix of leveled up and non-leveled up cards. In most cases, being able to play as many leveled up cards each turn will give an advantage because the cards are more powerful than their unleveled counterparts. Card Level Advantage (CLA), a term coined by Bobby2, can be used to measure this advantage. It is originally defined like this:

Card Level Advantage for a given player is equal the sum of the levels of all cards played by that player minus the sum of the levels of all cards played by that player's opponent.

I'd like to expand this definition to account for a few gameplay elements. First of all, sometimes it is better to play an underleveled card, but that doesn't mean that the player is at level disadvantage. It should also take into account that there are cards that can make a player draw and/or play additional cards but those extra cards and plays should be considered as effects of the two cards initially played. This is because CLA is meant to be a deck-agnostic measure of how randomness affects the cards drawn. Therefore, a more accurate definition would be:

Card Level Advantage for a given player is equal to the sum of the levels of the two cards of the highest levels initially drawn by that player each turn minus the sum of the levels of the two cards of the highest levels initially drawn by the opposing player.

Here is an example of CLA: After entering the second level of play (also written as turn 2.1 and 2.2) Player A drew and played a level 1 and a level 2 card in turn 2.1 and another level 1 and level 2 card in turn 2.2, for a total card level of 6 ((1 + 2 ) + (1 + 2)). Player B also played a level 1 and a level 2 card in turn 2.1 and at the beginning turn 2.2 has drawn three level 2 cards. This gives him a total card level of of 7 ((1 + 2) +(2 + 2)) since he only counts two of the level 2 cards in his hand. The total CLA at this point in the game is +1 for player B or, likewise, -1 for Player A.

Note that we can differentiate a "turn CLA", the CLA only for that turn, from the "game CLA", which is the sum of CLA for all turns.

Accumulated CLA

If suddenly you find yourself with game CLA of -2 but the next turn the CLA goes back to 0 because you are able to play 2 levels more than your opponent, there shouldn't be too much of a disadvantage even though your opponent got the positive CLA first. However, if a couple of turns go by before the game CLA recovers back to 0, then you will likely find yourself at a disadvantage. We can call this difference Accumulated Card Level Advantage (ACLA) and can measure it by accumulating the game CLA each turn.

For example, if player B gets a CLA of 1 after turn 2.1, then in the next turn both players draw a hand of 5 level 1 cards, the CLA for that turn would be 0, the total game CLA would still be 1, but the ACLA would now be 2.

Level Count and Distribution in a Deck

In any given game, CLA will usually be going up and down for both players from turn 4 onwards and it is highly unlikely that CLA stays at zero for the whole game. However, the higher it goes for one player, the less probability there is of it continuing to grow as it means that player has already drawn higher level cards and now the rest of their pool will have fewer of them, while the other player will have not drawn their higher level cards and will have a better chance of drawing them. 

Given this, if both players level cards the same number of times, we can expect CLA to trend towards 0. This changes if one of the players is able to level more times than the other, changing their level count. If that is the case, then the expected CLA will be a fraction above 0 for that player.

Besides the sum of all the levels in a deck there is one other measure that is relevant when discussing card level advantage:  the distribution of these levels among cards, which can be used to calculate the ratio of risk vs reward. A deck with its levels distributed among more cards will have a lower risk of having a big card level disadvantage, but a deck with fewer leveled cards of a higher level will have the possibility of a powerful turn with high CLA, but also runs the risk of getting a sequence of turns with low level cards, giving the opponent the advantage.

For example, if two players start a turn and Player A has 16 level 2 cards and no level 3 cards, while player B has 8 level 3 cards but no level 2 cards, the sum of the levels is the same but the number of leveled cards is different. Player A has a higher chance of seeing leveled cards but while Player B has a lower chance of seeing leveled card, there is the possibility of making more powerful plays.

Ending Comments

Card Level Advantage is a way to measure the relative advantage gained by a player being able to play higher level cards over the course of the game. CLA varies as the game plays out and the probability of getting a positive or negative CLA will usually be dependent on the number cards and the number of levels that each player has managed to gain for their decks. If all other things are equal, the player with who has the highest accumulated CLA will have an advantage in terms of random card draw over the other player.

However, in Solforge all other things are usually not equal. While its important to understand how the random elements of CLA work on Solforge in a quantitative sense, the qualitative effects vary greatly depending on the selection of cards and the way they are played in the game. In the following article I will take a look at how the effects of CLA on a given game can be very different depending on the situation.